Ruchami Bardugo, director of the Alei Siach – employment center, presented the guiding principles of the employment integration of adults with disabilities: ‘Two fundamental principles lead and guide us: One, to identify the need of each and every recipient personally and support and strengthen their abilities. Mrs. Bardugo brought as an example the story of a girl that went through a process of adjusting to work in Alei Siach , but the noise around her occasionally overwhelmed her and made it very difficult for her to work. The instructors and the principal recognized the need for quiet. And they lined the walls with mattresses so that it would be protected and the professional team added accessories to make the room kmore exciting and welcoming.
Chairman of Alei Siach Rabbi Chaim Perkel: ‘Employment solutions for special teenagers is the best way to integrate them into society and give them a sense of value. The employment centers of ‘Alei Siach’ are a perfect and adapted solution for teenagers who find here the place where they can feel the satsified and productive in a variety of works.
Alei Siach is a non-profit organization which was set up to provide a solution for disabled adults in the charedi-dati communities. Today Alei Siach has branches around the country and provides a warm, all-inclusive, supportive and professional environment where hundreds of individuals can develop and become integrated into the wider community
Alei Siach carries
the International Standard
association stamp of Iso.
ISO 9001-2015