Tu Bishvat in Alei Siach

Tu Bishvat in Alei Siach

Tu Bishavt in Alei Siach

Every day in Alei Siach homes and centers is full of excitement!
We took advantage of this special day full of blossom,
to teach our special residents  that each one can grow and become a tree full of fruit and product.
Through music, arts, trips, and To Bishvat Seder we enjoyed the special day.

This is the time to thank our dedicated staff for helping each flower in Alei Siach grow, blossom, and reach its potential!

What else is new in Aleisiach

Rabbi Perkal in a debate at the Knesset

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Exciting Purim celebrations in Alei Siach Apartments and Employment Centers

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Music and Baloons activity with a father of Bnei Brak residents

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“Mishloach Manos Ish Lereheu”

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Creating masks at Art Class in Bet Shemesh

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Mishloach Manos Packages from bais Yaakov School girls

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Purim Katan- Baking Hamantaschen in “Haofe” employment center

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Special Shabbaton in Yishuv Eli

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A special visit took place at the new employment center of Alei Siach in Beit Shemesh

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Creating Employment Opportunities for Adults with Special Needs or Autism in Jerusalem

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“A new workshop has been organized for dozens of employment center staff members.”

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Alei Siach Staff Picks Vegetables in the South!

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Learning Enrichment Day for Alei Siach Staff!

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Chanukka Highlights in Alei Siach!

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Inspiring War Stories From the Special Needs Community!

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Getting ready for Chanukah

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Practicing proper behavior in a pizza shop!

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Alei Siach special adults sent Delicious Pies to Zaka Volunteers

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Rescue developmentally and physical disabled from Southern Israel

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Don’t miss out! the holy prayers at the Kotel + 2 tickets to Israel

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Summer 2023- a summer packed with excitement!

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Summer 2023- a summer packed with excitement!

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!A new production in Alei Siach

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Once again , Alei Siach and families on a trip to the zoo!!

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Wish this special couple Mazal tov!!!

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The Tzitzit factory of ‘Alei Siach’ was commemorated in memory of the late Elazar Yitzchak Koltai from the Miron

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Alei Siach’s employment center – conference for adult with disabilities

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conference for adult with disabilities

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Rabbi Perkal in a debate at the Knesset
Exciting Purim celebrations in Alei Siach Apartments and Employment Centers
Music and Baloons activity with a father of Bnei Brak residents
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