Let’s bring
change - together.

business owner, we need your help!

We are privileged to offer you the opportunity to join the hundreds of business owners who employ individuals with disabilities in their businesses.  By offering these individuals employment, you are bringing satisfaction and joy into their lives – and bracha into your business.

At the Alei Siach department for Integrated Employment,
our staff guide many workers with disabilities in their employment at a wide range of places.

Factories, stores, Coffee-shops, restaurants, hospitals, chain store and more.

How do we help integrate
workers in your business?

Our dedicated staff at our employment integration center will guide you step by step and will give you all the support you need so that this project will be a success.

Suitability Assessment
and Matching Suitable

Instruction and guidance for the business owner, instruction for staff through the process of acclimation.

The worker receives a wage commensurate with his ability and production.

Financial support from the Ministries of Finance and Employment to make the place of employment suitable for the employee’s needs

What do
you give?

You gave people with disabilities the opportunity to become part of a normal work environment

What do
you get?

You get responsible workers who are motivated to do their best - their work is the center of their lives.

What do you
receive as
a bonus?

You became a principled employer who is giving to society.

Our motto is:

To see the inner person hidden inside every individual with disabilities and to grant them the opportunity to feel the same as everyone around them.

I have a business
and this sounds really interesting.
But I have a few questions.


בעל עסק?

נשמח ליצור איתך קשר ולהסביר לך על
המיזם ואיך הוא עשוי לתרום לעסק שלך

Rabbi Perkal in a debate at the Knesset
Exciting Purim celebrations in Alei Siach Apartments and Employment Centers
Music and Baloons activity with a father of Bnei Brak residents
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